Saturday, May 23, 2015

10 things I've learned in my thirties.

In my twenties, like most women, Hated the idea of turning thirty. I felt like by the time I was in my thirties I was suppose to have my shit together - you know what I mean - the career, the marriage, the white fence and rose bushes. 

The number one thing I learned in my thirties: life doesn't always work that way and that's not what having my shit together means. Now at 35, I know if I can get myself ready, two kids dressed and fed, let the dog out and off to school/work without any minor issues - then I have my shit together for the day. It   Doesn't matter if I have the career I wanted, or the marriage didn't go as planned. I don't even care about the rose bushes - the dog would dig them up anyway. 

2). What matters in my thirties is that I'm happy, my children are happy, and I show the people I love how much they mean to me. 

3).  Friends come and go, but the true ones will be there through thick and thin.  Those are the only ones you need.  Let the other ones go. 

4). Family isn't always what it should be, and some of the time (if your lucky) you get a family that wasn't yours by blood, but loves you just the same.

5). Take time for yourself - read, walk, whatever makes you happy - but make sure you have a few minutes each day to reflect and appreciate. 

6). Spend time with your parents. I know we get busy and life sometimes takes over, but our parents won't be around forever. They need to know we appreciate everything they did for us.

7). Know who you are. We all change and grow over the years, but having a basic understanding of this can make life so much simpler. When You know what you want, it is a whole lot easier to get it. You don't have to weed through other possibilities to find it. (Although sometimes that can be beneficial too). 

8). Listen to your children. I am still trying to remember this everyday. I'm guilty of being busy with laundry or dishes or work, and not fully paying attention. It's hard for me to let things go and just stop for awhile - but do it whenever you can! They are only little once and time goes so fast. We miss a lot of the small things. 

9). Build coffee table forts, play board games - do things to remember the child in you. We get so wrapped up in adult responsibilities that sometimes the best stress reliever is just having a little fun. 

10). Last but definitely not least - TRUST. Trust that God has a plan for you, trust that everything is going to be okay in the end, trust that despite adversities YOU CAN prevail, trust your instincts, trust yourself.